Review: Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

I am so far behind with writing reviews. I have been terrible and I am planning to catch up as soon as possible. After I finish writing this review, I still have to write a review for 5 other books. I am actually ashamed at how far behind I am. Please forgive me.

“We meet fear. We greet the unexpected visitor and listen to what he has to tell us. When fear arrives, something is about to happen.

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Review: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

When I am writing this review, it has been almost a month ago that I finished reading this. Though, luckily, I only finished reading the second book just a few days ago. This is still very fresh in my mind, and I took quite a lot of notes during my reading sessions. I should be getting back on track with writing reviews soon after finishing the book though. It will make it much easier.

“Because I’ve been looking for an excuse to talk to you for two days.”

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Review: The Stolen Heir by Holly Black

Damn, it feels like I have read this years ago. It has only been a few months actually, but I definitely had trouble remembering things. To make it worse, I apparently had not taken too many notes during my read. Writing this review was definitely a challenge. Luckily, I write spoiler free reviews, so I can’t discuss too much detail surrounding the plot.

“My greatest weakness has always been my desire for love. It is a yawning chasm within me, and the more that I reach for it, the more easily I am tricked. I am a walking bruise, an open sore. If Oak is masked, I am a face with all the skin ripped off. Over and over, I have told myself that I need to guard against my own yearnings, but that hasn’t worked.”

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Review: Book of Night by Holly Black

Once again, I am lucky I take notes during my reading sessions these days. I have finished this book a few weeks ago, but I was simply too busy with playing Hogwarts Legacies to write the review. Please forgive me for that. I am totally hooked on that game. I also had my trip to London, which meant even less time to write anything for my blog unfortunately.

“Never met a bad decision she wasn’t willing to double down on. Had fingers made for picking pockets, a tongue for lying, and a shriveled cherry pit for a heart.”

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Review: A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas

I was hoping to be able to write this review earlier than I did. The longer I wait, the harder it gets for me to formulate my thoughts into a logical post for people to follow. I also forget details so very easily. Luckily, I started taking notes when I was reading this book and that was actually a very big help in writing this review. I will be adding some of my raw reading thoughts in this one as well.

“I cannot survive without reading.”

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